10 Must-Have Skills Of A Web Content Writer

content writing concept.

Great content brings super results and everyone is on the search for a web content writer packed with the skills to boost your online presence. Where “Content is King”, as a writer you must be aware of the thin line between writing for websites and applying them for your brand. 

Your content will thrive only if it is visited, shared, and read. Visitors will not revisit the site if a website has eye-catching graphics and terrific site architecture, but has a dearth of quality content.

While successful content writers appear to possess an enviable life – they prepare their individual schedules and work as little or as much as they desire – the greater majority have a tough time forging a living of it. They are deficient in the skills required to succeed. Because irrespective of their talent, writing skill is just not sufficient. So, if you desire to achieve success as a content writer, you require a whole toolkit of marketable skills.

What Website Content Means

Female content writer.

Website content relates to textual and visual content present on a website which can take the form of audio and video files, data, applications, as well as images. High quality web content is pivotal to driving traffic to websites which makes the job of a content writer whether full-time or freelancer extremely critical. 

Text or the written content on the website covers checklists, blogs, case studies, white papers, and e-books. Media, on the contrary is any content apart from text which includes images, animation, podcasts, infographics, sound, and video. 

Both text and multimedia must accompany side by side. To maintain both in sync, web content writers perform a key role.

Overall, a skilled content writer must master various writing styles apart from web content writer and be a copywriter, press release experts, handle email campaigns, social media content and create graphics and different promotional materials to boost the outreach of companies. Today a content writer is not only a subject matter specialist but also double as experts in digital marketing. 

Here we look at some of the critical skills a content writer is required to possess beyond their core writing talent. 

Knack To Tell A Story

There are different types of resources you can design, apart from eBooks or blog posts. Search Engine Journal also recognizes videos and infographics as among the best formats present. LinkedIn’s SlideShare is also presenting as an awesome opportunity to distribute and share original work, with more than 3 billion views and 50 million visitors a month.

The capacity to tell stories using different mediums will offer you plenty of flexibility with your inbound strategy. You will not need to adhere to eBooks and blog posts and can offer some variety to your users.

Adept storytellers can enthral readers while teaching them something and can arouse emotions while being concise. The more expert you get at weaving storytelling within your content writing (regardless of the topic) the more attention grabbing your content will be.

Aware of Key Writing Practices

While writing for a portal, your message should be crystal transparent, for only then will it ring with the audience. Your writing skills comprise grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Without the precision in these, you will not succeed in gaining trust or credibility from your readers. Pay attention to punctuation, spelling, syntax, grammar, and choice of words.

You must know the way to copywrite, and do that remarkably well. You must make sure there is absence of comma splices and run-on sentences. This indicates that the cadence and the articulation of your content strikes a chord with your intended audience.

In short, it is knowing how to copy write well, and apply it within the scope of web writing best practices.

Your writing should also be able to generate a logical flow. There should neither be any breaks between paragraphs nor an abrupt dead-end. Skilled website content writers ensure that content flows normally.

Got To Be A Researcher

For website content writers, research is paramount. Read as much as possible on the topic through blogs, articles, or even going to a library. A quality content writer scans through the entire research to find proper data supported by logical statistics. With exhaustive research, you can adeptly address any topic, penning a piece that fulfils both the audience and SEO norms.

A well-written bit of content is good; however, a well-researched bit of content is still better. Regarding online content, the insights you offer that your rivals do not is what provides you the edge and directly equates with your content’s success. Those insights emerge from research.

Understand Your Audience

Website content is not simply about providing useful information but also concerns producing more revenue or leads. So, it is vital to write what helps your target audience. You should gather intelligence on your audience prior to writing content as a web content writer.

You should have a distinct idea of who you desire to read your content. If you are a blogger and you have performed your audience research when you were choosing your blog niche, you should already possess an idea about your target readers.

However, if you are a freelance writer who is recruited as a content writer for a blog or website, you need to exhaustively discuss with the business owner or the marketing team to discover who their target audience is.

Assess your web content from the point of view of the audience. Your content should be aligned properly with the reader’s query and should aid them get answers. Targeted web content writing forms the key to transforming readers into paying customers and clients.

Your target reader governs your word choice, writing style, and the content format, so fully knowing who you are writing for is crucial to creating the finest content possible.

Experience In SEO

Optimizing blog posts, landing pages and website for SEO can be the distinction between customers finding your brand, or discovering value with a competitor. Due to this, having considerable skills in SEO is a highly marketable skill for writers to possess. If you partner with someone having experience in SEO, they will know precisely how to utilize your target keyword to aid them research and position their work.

Consequently, you will get more strategic assets that can get you nearer to your goals. If you do not prioritize SEO, you will keep on producing work that will not succeed in driving any substantial results.

Knowing how to select the correct keywords, using proper headings and subheadings, writing killer meta descriptions, and tagging images correctly will all help to give your posts that additional boost while ranking on search engines such as Google.

Adapt A Conversational And Friendly Tone

A marketing content writer must catch and talk through your brand voice, and talk to your customer persuasively. The brand voice of many companies is often conversational and friendly.

This friendly and conversational tone is important for acquiring the trust of your customer. Based on your industry, there will be some dissimilarities. Apple is imaginative, and Virgin Airlines is bold. Both companies have an amicable demeanour, that is appealing to new and existing customers. 

Be Social Media Savvy

As a content writer, you need to be aware of what is happening in the social media sphere. Not only to maintain current (which is mandatory for you) but to know your audience better, and ready for the promotion phase.

Social media enables you to gain access to a terrific combination of old customers, new customers, and prospective customers. Sharing your posts and viewing how they achieve traction among the different factions will give huge insight into future writing done by you.

Social media can work as a productive window into the demographic you want to target, and consequently be a launch pad for sharing what you write. Do not neglect it, even if it is not your area of interest.

Editing And Proofreading Abilities

A good content writer improves their writing quality with zero lingering mistakes or inconsistencies through editing and proofreading skills. Editing enhances the overall quality of the write up, eliminates errors, and maximizes objectivity in writing. Proofreading guarantees a flawless content ready for publication and communicates a writing the way it is supposed to be. 

No writer can create an engaging and exceptional piece or text without reviewing or revising before submitting their final version. 

Staying Trendy And Adaptable To Change

As the barrage of information present online surges and explodes, the task gets bigger for an already saturated content marketer and writer. 

You must use your knowledge the way the world changes. Words like “I am in it for years, and know how it works and what I am” reflects a common outlook that unwelcomes change. 

Nothing short of the best content writer will be receptive to productive changes when they happen. To sift between what is beneficial and what is not comes with regular practice. 

Can Spin Wit Into Their Content

The finest blogs always incorporate a bit of sharp wit, don’t they?

Humour is a potent tool for writers to attract their readers and make vital information interesting.

Long, weighty pieces of written content are excellent, but they can be tiring to read in-depth if they are not completely engaging.

That is where wit enters the scene – a zing of humour here, a witty reference there, maybe even an appropriate gif to enliven things up.

Crux is, if you wish to maximize the effect of your writing, make it hilarious. You do not need to be an expert comedian. Just attempt to write something that makes you grin when you read it.

Is there a smile now?

The Bottom Line

Currently, there is plenty of scope for a website content writer particularly as a freelancer. If you are proficient in the above-mentioned skills, strike the market with a few of the finest content writing websites. You can become a successful website content writer with the elementary skills and a dash of confidence.

The anticipation from website content writers is the competence to write with clarity, utilizing impeccable words and perfect punctuation.

As a content writer, you require to be a jack of all trades and an expert of most. From social media savvy to on-page SEO, it behoves present day web writers to utilize many of the expansive array of tools at their command. 

Posted by
Sujata Sanyal

Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?

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