10 Ways How Travelling Abroad Can Change Your Life

couple near airport.

Still working at office for extra hours and complaining about not attaining work life balance? The most common answer to this question is a big yes. You dedicate your time, energy and efforts in achieving your professional and financial goals and work in a robotic fashion to make your dreams come true. 

But amidst all the efforts that you invest in getting your career on track, you somewhere forget to live in the moment. You tend to compromise on your health and happiness in your journey of securing your future. While you may have money in the future but when you look down the lane, you may feel that you deprived yourself of many joyous moments that could have added to your health and happiness.

Gift yourself a new lease of life by reaping the advantages of travelling abroad. Travelling around the world liberates you from the shackles of routine struggles and fills your heart with unmatched happiness, which ultimately contributes to your well-being positively. Here is a compiled list of 10 ways how travelling abroad can change your life:

1. Travelling Opens Up Your Mind

Travelling not only is an excellent way to explore new places but it is indeed an incredible way to enjoy new experiences. All the challenges that come in your way while travelling abroad open up a new side of you. 

Meeting new people from different cultures change the way you have always perceived the world to be. Seeing the world with your eyes and mind open definitely renders you a chance to give you the much required food for thought.

2. Helps You Discover Your True Self

Most people love travelling because it gives them happiness and a break from the routine life monotony. In fact, several studies have found that people tend to cherish the experience from travelling more than acquiring any material goods. The experience gained by travelling around the world gives you a sense of accomplishment.

Such experience temporarily isolates your mind from the routine life. You get time to discover your skills, understand your dreams and goals and you get a new lease of vibrancy in your body and mind that enables you to embark on your life path with new perspective.

3. Helps In Reducing Risks Of Heart Diseases

Travelling makes you happy and it is rightly said that happy minds make healthy minds. Travelling gives you liberating experience and studies have found that women who go travelling twice every year are at a significantly lower risk of suffering from heart attack. It is also revealed in some studies that men who do not take vacation on an annual basis are at a 20 percent greater risk of suffering heart related disorders.

4. Great For Creating Meaningful Relationships

Travelling is a great way to connect with people from across the world. They help you explore their city or country in a way that no guide or map can do. They help you make friends with more of their acquaintances and give a unique peek into their cultural perspectives, thus helping you realize the value of maintaining meaningful relationships. 

Travelling therefore, helps you make new contacts and also makes you understand the importance of the relationships you have with people at work and personal space. 

5. Helps You Learn About Different Cultures

When you explore a new country, you get the opportunity to understand about their lifestyle, food habits, leisure time activities and language. You can learn few words like sorry, thank you, hello, help, etc., in their language and roam about in a new country like a boss. 

You can shop for their traditional clothes, shoes or decorative items that speak a lot about the culture of the place. You can enjoy adventure sports popular in that location and visit places that describes about the rich culture of that country.

6. Travelling Reduces Stress Levels

It has been scientifically proven that one of the biggest advantages of travelling is that it helps in lowering stress levels. Travelling is the best way to get rid of mood swings, depression, anxiety, etc. Your body and mind gets a break from the hodgepodge of routine life and your body starts releasing more of endorphins or happy hormones and lowers the secretion of stress hormone like cortisol.

So the next time you feel that your mind is getting burdened, just pack your bags and head to a new country all by yourself. Challenge yourself to let your mind, body and soul immerse in peace and solitude.

7. Adds The Much Required Zing To Your Life

The moment you feel that your life is getting boring and there is nothing challenging left, it is time you travel to a place that has a culture completely opposite to yours. Plan a trip, stop at multiple locations, enjoy the spontaneity and make every moment of your trip worth it. 

While you may be already enjoying different stages in your life, you may even then need a time out to enjoy your own space, to build a new perspective and to understand where you are and where you want to be. Spice up your life by flying to new places and indulging in experiences that you will cherish forever.

8. Gives A Boost To Your Creativity

Your mind is at its creative best when it is sorted, happy and positive and is fed with knowledge about versatile subjects. Travelling opens you up to multiple horizons of learning while helping your mind rejuvenate. Not only you get knowledge about new culture, food and lifestyle, you get to understand yourself from deep within. 

Studies suggest that such experiences help in making your outlook optimistic and mind flexible. You feel highly enthusiastic and travelling internationally develops thought integration along with the ability to analyse deeper connections between theoretical knowledge and reality.

9. Gives You A Good Peek Of Real World

You definitely get knowledge from books that help in shaping your thoughts and behaviour. But when you step into the real world and travel to other countries, you understand how different people live, eat and survive in diverse climatic conditions. 

Travelling abroad helps you understand important lessons about economy, history, sociology, geography, politics, etc. In fact, travelling helps you understand things from others’ point of view, which our conventional educational system fails to impart. 

10. You Start Loving Challenges

We all know the saying – Variety is the spice of life. But not all of us have understood the importance of implementing it in real life. Staring at the screen in a regular 9 to 5 job and then spending the evening like a couch potato is actually no one’s dream. Instead go travelling abroad and open up yourself to new challenges. 

Walk around the streets, go to restaurants and check places on your own in an altogether alien location. Such challenges while travelling help you come out your comfort cocoon and fill your heart with unmatched joy. 

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Snehashree Bhat

A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.

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