9 Essential Life Skills To Make Your Kid Smart And Responsible

Daughter having fun with parents.

The modern era demands one to be smart and knowledgeable of the practical world. Not just adults, even kids must have basic understanding of the real world and challenges accompanying this fickle world. As parents, you are not just supposed to provide them with academic knowledge; you have to start preparing them to become responsible adults, well in advance.

Though this task can be very challenging, there are various life skills that can make kids more aware, happier and productive. Here are 9 essential life skills to make your kid smart and responsible that can help them navigate through this challenging world in a logical fashion:-

1. Teach Skills Required To Handle Emergencies

There will be times when kids have to be left independent and it is during these events when they might have to deal with emergencies. Leak in the gas pipeline, small fire outbreak in the kitchen cooktop, breakdown of vehicle, etc. are some of the emergency situations, where children must be adept to take care of themselves. Teaching such skills can help children in saving their life and sometimes life of other people as well.

2. Let Them Learn The Value Of Money

Keep the pocket money of your children restricted. Don’t give them money every time they demand for it. One of the most essential life skills to make your kid smart and responsible is teaching them how to handle limited finances. Educate them to make savings and ask them manage their expenses accordingly. Motivate them to save little amount every month and offer them some rewards if they comply with the savings plan.

3. Teach Them Navigation Skills

While your children may be too young to drive vehicles, ensure that they know to drive bicycle. Just by knowing how to drive, your child may not be able to find his / her way home. Teach them to navigate by explaining them how to use maps or GPS system. Tell them about different important routes and also teach them to ride within speed limits and use only safe routes to travel.

4. Teach Them To Take Responsibility Of Their Mistakes

Parents tend to cover up for their kids’ mistakes and this kind of shelter often makes children irresponsible and irrational. While doing this for toddlers may be okay, but teens must be taught to rectify their mistakes on their own. 

If kids are in situations like conflict with teacher or friends, don’t help them. Just teach them to sort things out and be responsible for their actions. Teach them problem solving skills and act as a guide to drive them out of difficult circumstances. Teach them to be independent and quick decision makers.

5. Involve Them In Home Management

Managing a home is an art and attaining perfection in this arena is very difficult. Introduce children to household management skills by playfully involving them in cleaning, budgeting, taking appliance service appointments, budgeting, laundry cleaning, etc. Time may come when they will have to live in hostel, apartment or dormitory and having knowledge of these skills can make their life quite hassle free.

6. Introduce Them To The World Of Spreading Happiness

While you as a parent know how to make your family happy, what you must teach your children is sharing happiness and being empathetic. You should teach them how to spread happiness to people who are not as fortunate as you are. Being compassionate is a feeling that parents can easily teach their children. Ask your kids to take up volunteering job at food banks, animal shelter home, old age homes and orphanages, etc. This will help them in becoming sensitive towards the world outside home.

7. Teach Them Importance Of Eating Healthy Food

Today kids have become tech geeks and they love to gorge on junk foods. They prefer playing games on gadgets and don’t have any interest in working out. If your kid is doing the same, then it is time to put their health on the right track. 

Prepare food at home and firmly ask kids to have meals on time and explain them the importance of having healthy food. Ensure that you teach them why having unhealthy foodstuffs can be harmful. As parents, make working out a collective and fun-filled activity and maintain an active routine for the whole family. 

8. Let Kids Understand Well About Household Budget

Managing household budget is an ardent task and keeping expenses in check is a difficult duty. Start involving your children in maintaining equilibrium in household expenses. Show them your real income and how you allocate budget for different household tasks. 

Ask for their advice and explain how budget imbalances can affect disposable income for the next month. This will make them more aware of their expenses and they will start understanding how budget management can improve their way of life.

9. Let Them Lead By Example

Last but not the least, you can teach these essential life skills to make your kids smart and responsible only if you believe and follow the above. Children are great observers and despite what you teach, they will deep heartedly learn those things that they see you doing. 

Parents are the first teachers for children and hence you must proactively be involved in activities like keeping house clean, paying bills on time, exercising and eating healthy, giving family enough time, keeping positive mental outlook, etc.

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Snehashree Bhat

A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.

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