10 Effective Ways To Handle Stress And Anxiety In Children

In today’s busy world, where children are exposed to several activities whether it is related to studies, social campaigns, sports, home or any other extra-curricular tasks, their world is constantly draining peace and adventure from their lives. Moreover, children today love to spend time with high tech gadgets, which is drifting their minds from the real world.

This very fact is the basic reason for rising stress and anxiety in children. The constant competitive pressure is increasing fear and worry in their tender minds and they are becoming highly sensitive towards every small issue. 

But who said parenting is easy. Right parenting demands you to take major role in shaping your children’s mind and introducing them rightly to the situations in the real world. Stress and anxiety at an early age can hamper your child’s mental progress.

Here are 10 effective ways to handle stress and anxiety in children that must be strictly followed to ensure that your kids lead life happily and confidently:-

1. Listen To What They Say

Mother and Daughter Enjoying Fairy Tale Story in Bedroom.

It is true that every parent wants their child to bravely face his or her fears. But if you dismiss your children’s feelings when they speak up, then they may start hiding their emotions. This may increase stress and anxiety in children, while also building the risk of depression. Encourage your children to express themselves and be courageous to speak and face the situation. 

2. Encourage Your Child To Speak Up

You know how good it feels when someone listens your heart out and this is what your children need too. Encourage them to tell it all and offer comfort by telling them that you are there to take care for all that is bothering them. Remind your children that you love them deeply.

3. Take Them Outdoors

Active Parents with Two Kids.

Everyone loves change in their ambience and children in particular, feel great when taken outdoors. Just take your children for walk or jog or play games with them. Fresh air, physical activity and your presence can lift their spirits and increase the production of happy hormones.

4. Involve Them In Activities They Enjoy

Perk up your children by letting them play with toys they love, cuddle them, play their favourite music, read them stories and ask them to help in small household activities. Keeping them happy and healthy can be challenging at times but this is what right parenting demands. 

5. Imbibe Healthy Living Practices

Proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sound sleep and positive mental attitude are four pillars of good health that must be imbibed in children at an early age for a great life ahead. Right parenting requires you to ensure that you are teaching healthy living practices to your children. But be steadily slow and let them understand its importance instead of pushing them and nagging them to follow your orders. 

6. Maintain Their Routines

Stress and anxiety can also be common in your children if you are failing to maintain a proper routine. Always ensure that your child seamlessly follows the routine time for waking up, studying, playing, eating, etc. Having them follow a routine without them feeling lethargic or over-occupied will help in keeping their minds sorted and relaxed.

7. Don’t Keep Them Over-occupied 

One of the major reasons for stress and anxiety in children is due to their excessive involvement in several activities. School, music class, swimming class, soccer lessons, karate sessions, etc robs off the required downtime for giving rest to their busy minds. Instead of over-occupying your children, give them some free time for rejuvenation so that they do activities that they love.

8. Teach Them The Importance Of Helping Needy Ones

Instead of giving your children excessive exposure to upsetting or negative news that focuses more on terrorism, violence and victims of natural disasters, give assurance to them that everything is fine and everyone they love are safe. Tell them that government and various organisations are doing their best in providing required aide, involve them in sending donations to the victims and encourage them to pray for them. Inspire your children to ask their friends and classmates to send help in cash or kind for the needy ones. 

9. Lead By Example

You are the role model for your children which is why you have the authority to set the tone for handling stress and anxiety. Though it is impossible to complete eradicate stress from life but turning off the television, playing soothing music, limiting gadget usage, involving children in family activities and practising meditation or yoga can create calm and peaceful ambience at home. This will encourage kids to be calm and less stressful when they face difficult situations outside home.

10. Consult A Counsellor 

Stress and anxiety in children can be a result of death of near ones, birth of a new sibling, divorce of parents, moving out of a home, etc. If you, as a parent, are unable to cheer up your child and encourage him or her to live life happily and positively, then it is probably the right time to consult a child therapist, paediatrician or school counsellor. They can provide some expert advice in making the child understand the criticality of the situation and how he or she can still happily lead life.

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Snehashree Bhat

A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.

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