21 Super Foods To Fight & Prevent Cancer

Anti cancer Food.

Decades ago, diseases like cancer, stroke, heart disorders and other lifestyle diseases were a rare occurrence. But with the passage of time, our food and living habits have significantly changed and this has impacted our health in retrogressive manner. Medical studies suggest that there is an alarming rise in the number of cancer patients across the globe and without a cure for the disease and inability to undertake highly expensive treatment after early diagnosis has lead to a stupendous rise in death caused from cancer.

Having junk or processed foods, not working out, drinking excessive alcohol, smoking, rising stress and pollution are some of the major causes of cancer. Fortunately, there are several foods that help in killing cancer cells and helps in preventing this deadly disease. If cancer is detected at an initial stage, then proper treatment can help in countering the disease.

Though the initial symptoms may indicate occurrence of any routine disorder in the body but if these symptoms last for a long time, it is time you get a full medical examination from your doctor. Cancer symptoms may include chronic pain in any part of the body, loss of appetite, prolonged fatigue, dry cough, changes in moles, irregularities in bowel movements, heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding in women, etc. These symptoms if last for a long time must never be ignored.

World Cancer Day.

Prevention of cancer is possible if you make small changes in your lifestyle. While exercising, sleeping adequately, practicing relaxation techniques and staying positive is helpful in preventing cancer, you must lay more stress on correcting your food habits as some foods are loaded with nutrients that effectively curb cancer causing cells. 

Here are 21 super foods that can prevent cancer along with many other disorders while ensuring that you enjoy best of health at all ages:

1. Kale

Kale is increasingly becoming popular among health conscious people across the globe for its wondrous health benefits. Kale has huge quantities of indoles that help in stopping the conversion of lesions into cancerous cells. This super food also is rich in phytochemicals and isothiocyanates that inhibit tumour growth and multiplication of cancer cells. 

2. Chilli Peppers & Jalapenos

This spicy food contains a chemical called capsaicin which kills certain cancer causing substances like nitrosamines while protecting the body against stomach and prostate cancer. 

3. Carrots

One of the best and easily available foods to prevent cancer is carrots, which are loaded with beta carotene that fights free radical effect and protects the body from bladder, prostate, intestine, lung, throat, mouth and breast cancer.

4. Broccoli, Cauliflower & Cabbage

These vegetables comprise of chemical named indole-3 carbinol that are helpful in fighting breast cancer. Broccoli comes loaded with phytochemical sulforaphane which aids in preventing colon and rectal cancer by boosting the production of certain enzymes that kill carcinogens and free radicals. 

5. Tomatoes

Lycopene in tomatoes are antioxidants like vitamin C which attacks free radical effect in the cells that lead to cancer. Red peppers, watermelons and carrots to contain this antioxidant but lycopene come highly concentrated in tomatoes. Have more of tomatoes in your regular diet and reduce the risk of cancer in mouth, prostate, breast, pancreas, etc. 

6. Mushrooms

Most people are not aware of how nutritious mushrooms are. Studies suggest that mushrooms help in building the body’s immune system and aid in fighting cancer. Mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides which are powerful compounds that strengthen the body’s defence mechanism. Mushrooms also consist of lectin and thioproline which prevents multiplying of cancer cells and improves neurological functions in the body.

7. Avocados

This highly nutritious and yummy fruit is rich in antioxidant called glutathione which cuts the free radical effect in the body and prevents oral and breast cancer. A great source of beta carotene and potassium, medical experts have found that avocados are helpful in treating liver hepatitis which can be a potential cause for liver cancer. 

8. Lemons & Oranges

These acidic fruits are loaded with vitamin C that fiercely fights the cancer causing free radical effect in the body. Lemons and oranges also contain limonene that triggers the growth of cancer killing immune cells called lymphocytes, thus breaking down cancer causing substances.

9. Flax

Providing antioxidant effect through lignans are flax seeds which aids in suppressing cancerous changes in the cells. Flax seeds are a powerful source of omega 3 fatty acids that also helps in protecting the body from cardiac disorders and colon cancer.

10. Seaweed

One of the best ways to prevent cancer by correcting your food pattern is by including sea veggies in your diet. One can get abundant amounts of protein, vitamin B12, beta carotene, chlorophyll, fibre and chlorophylones along with lots of minerals that can help in fighting the free radical effect in the body and prevent growth of cancerous cells.

11. Garlic

Garlic is one of the highly nutritious foods to prevent cancer that is naturally loaded with immune enhancing compounds that not only fights cancer but curbs cancer causing substances in the body.  Medical studies suggest that people who eat raw or cooked garlic on regular basis are at a 50 percent lesser risk of suffering from stomach cancer and colorectal cancer. 

12. Sweet Potatoes

High in fibre and natural sugar, sweet potatoes make for an excellent healthy snack. Being rich in beta carotene, sweet potatoes must be regularly consumed to prevent kidney, breast, gall bladder, leukemia, lung and liver cancers.

13. Raspberries

Loaded with vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, raspberries are extremely abundant source of antioxidants called anthocyanins that protects the body against several types of cancer. Black raspberries are said to highly effective in preventing colon cancer.

14. Whole Grains

Most of us know that whole grains are rich in bran and germ and its high fibre content is great for maintaining well being. But whole grains are abundant source of antioxidants and phytoestrogens, which is one of the best foods to prevent cancer.

15. Soy 

Apart from being rich in protein, soy products are composed of various kinds of phytoestrogens which work against development of breast and prostate cancer. Soy products are loaded with isoflavones and several research back the fact that genistein in soy is extremely potent inhibitor of growth of cancerous cells in the body.

16. Grapes

Red grapes are enormously loaded with powerful antioxidants called bioflavonoids that help in preventing cancer. Grapes are rich in resveratrol that helps in stopping the activity of enzymes that suppress the immunity and stimulates cancerous growth in the body. Also comprised in grapes is ellagic acid which is a powerful compound that blocks the enzymes necessary for the development of cancer cells.

17. Rosemary

Lately health conscious people have become more aware of the goodness stored in this wonderful spice. Used in tea and as seasoning in foodstuffs, rosemary is said to stimulate the activity of detoxifying enzymes. Rosemary consists of carnosol which is proven to have positive effect in reducing the risk of breast and skin cancer.

18. Figs

Figs are undoubtedly one of the best foods to prevent cancer as studies suggest that they are loaded with various kinds of antioxidants in huge amounts. Just having two medium dried figs everyday can significantly reduce the risk of several types of cancer. 

19. Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidant called polyphenols (catechins) that is studied to prevent division of cancer cells. It has been studied that green tea leaves have about 40 percent polyphenols which helps in reduction of cancer risk from lungs, colon, liver, rectum, pancreas and stomach. 

20. Papayas

This wonder fruit consists of adequate amounts of vitamin C which acts against growth of cancerous cells in the body. It is also found effective in reducing the absorption of nitrosamines from the soil or processed foods which are known to cause cancer. Papaya also comprises of folic acid which helps in reducing the risk of cancer.

21. Nuts

Add nuts to your foodstuff and consume them on regular basis as they are rich in nutrients and an instant source of energy. Here is yet another reason to have nuts. The proteins in nuts contain antioxidants called quercetin and kaempferol which helps in suppressing the growth of cancer. Studies reveal that men must consume more of Brazil nuts as they are loaded with selenium, which plays a crucial role in preventing prostate cancer.

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Snehashree Bhat

A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.

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