Try These Natural Ways To Treat Skin Hyperpigmentation


How often have you watched you skin having visible patches, splotches, and dark spots and tried to hide them using concealers and foundations? These are due to hyperpigmentation which causes some skin areas to become darker that its surroundings and can affect various skin tones. Hyperpigmentation is not a medical condition, but is used to describe the skin that looks darker which can appear in small patches, spread across large areas or affect the complete body. They can occur when the skin pigment known as melanin accumulates in your skin and can be caused due to hormonal changes and various factors. 

There are various therapy plans for hyperpigmentation which includes topical prescription drugs which generally contain hydroquinone, to lighten the skin. Still, protracted application of topical hydroquinone with no breaks can result in skin darkening called ochronosis. So, the best strategy should be to use it under the supervision of a dermatologist so that you can use the topical without any side effects. Likewise, applying topical retinoids can be useful in lightening dark skin spots. However, both these medications do take some months to lighten darkened regions of your skin. 

Home care remedies include the use of sunscreens to improve the reasons behind hyperpigmentation. Go for a physically shielding sunscreen, containing zinc oxide as its primary ingredient and having an SPF of at least 30 to 50. Apply your sunscreen daily and reapply after two hours if you are facing the sunshine. As you know that too much of sun exposure can result in an increase of the skin pigment melanin which gives colour to the skin. 

Here we explore some of the natural remedies for hyperpigmentation that can be beneficial for lightening dark patches and spots. You can consider these as their chief ingredients act on skin pigmentation. 

1. Aloe Vera And Its Multiple Benefit

Aloe vera has been said to be stacked with numerous skin wellness benefits from hydrating the skin and regenerating new cells to lightening spots. When Aloe vera is used on the skin it quickly permeates inside the skin and works adequately. Aloe vera has aloin, a depigmenting compound that naturally lightens skin and work efficaciously as a nontoxic hyperpigmentation therapy as found in a 2012 study. 

Some studies have also revealed that chemicals contained in aloe vera gel (particularly aloesin and aloin) disintegrate surplus melanin cells and restrict the future deposition of extra melanin in treated regions. 

This involves a two-step procedure. Particularly, aloin disintegrates excess pigment deposits, whereas aloesin inhibits the skin from creating excessive melanin deposits. The twosome effects of this leads to a lighter skin with time. Moreover, Aloe vera can also be effective as a skin hydrator due to its water content. The presence of antioxidants like zinc, magnesium, and selenium in this succulent plant also helps to shield your skin from toxic chemicals, pollution, and sun ray’s damage. You can use Aloe vera by itself or else mix it with different products to augment its effects. 

You can combine 2 tablespoons of Aloe vera with 1 teaspoon of honey or half a lemon and mix properly and apply to the skin. After it dries up, rinse off completely with water. Do this for once to twice a week for positive results.

Another effective combination is of mixing 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with juice of 2 lemons and let it remain for 15 minutes. Later rinse it away with water. Aloe vera measuring one teaspoon can also be blended with half a teaspoon of Vitamin E to lighten the dark patches and spots. Aloe vera is also mixed with either 1 teaspoon of shea butter or olive oil to deliver optimum results. 

2. Apple Cider Vinegar 

apple cider vinegar with apples.

Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar created from apples. It contains acetic acid, which can be helpful in lightening skin pigmentation. This vinegar offers amazing skin lightening effects that can eliminate blemishes and dark patches on your skin. Besides, they also help regain the natural skin colour due to their astringent properties. You can also apply apple cider vinegar as a cleanser, facial toner, or a spot remover based on your skin needs. 

How To Use:
  • Mix one cup of apple cider vinegar with one cup of warm water to form a solution. 
  • Use this mixture to wash the face. After two to three minutes rinse, with clean water to wash off the solution totally.

Subscribe to this remedy twice a day and continue it for some weeks for the dark patches to lighten and improve. 

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E capsules.

Vitamin E is essential for a healthy skin and is also helpful in removing hyperpigmentation as it is effective in neutralizing the impact of UV rays and safeguards your skin. It is a vital nutrient needed by the body to revive cells and boost the immune system. Vitamin E is known to enhance glowing appearance, lighten blemishes and dark circles, evening the skin tone and controlling hyperpigmentation besides being a natural skin nourishing agent.  

How To Use:
  • Cut the edges of the capsule to take out the oil
  • Add 4 drops of castor oil to it and mix thoroughly
  • Before going to bed apply this mixture on the affected regions
  • Let it remain overnight and rinse it off with lukewarm water the next morning

Follow this as a night routine and continue for few weeks to achieve the best results. When clubbed together with Vitamin C, Vitamin E works as an excellent solution for hyperpigmentation and is widely applied to heal scarring which can be effective in lightening dark spots. 

4. Orange Peel

Next time, do not throw away these orange peels as it is a reservoir of vitamin C and calcium, even more than the pulp. It can combat free radicals, revive new skin cells and is an excellent dark spot remover.  Orange peel can bleach your dark pigmentation on the face and bestow a flawless glowing appearance. The usage of orange peel for hyperpigmentation arises from its main ingredient – citric acid.

How To Use;

Dry the orange peel in sunlight and grind it into powder and preserve it. When applying it for 

treating hyperpigmentation take 1 teaspoon of grounded orange peel and mix it with 1teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of milk. Dab this mixture on the scarred skin and let it remain for half an hour. Softly massage your skin when you apply the mixture and wash it with water to clear it away. 

Use this remedy thrice a week to promote cell renewal and relieve dark patches on the skin. 

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is filled with lactic acid which can check the growth of melanocytes. It is also helpful for exfoliation of the skin and enhancing its texture. Yogurt has the ability to heal hyperpigmentation as lactic acid is a common ingredient used in chemical skin peeling and improves your skin tone. 

How To Use:

Apply 1 tablespoon of yogurt (plain) and use it on the affected spots. Wait for half an hour, and later wash it off with lukewarm water. Follow this method thrice a day. 

6. Papaya

women holding papaya.

Papaya is not only a delicious treat – the acids and enzymes in it can exfoliate the skin while diminishing acne, and browning due to sun exposure. Papaya is loaded with Vitamins, A, E, and C that enhance skin radiance and gives a refreshing look.

How To Use:

Just mix papaya, lemon juice, and honey inside a bowl and use as a mask. Leave it for half an hour before washing it off with lukewarm water. 

7. Oatmeal

oatmeal face pack.

Oatmeal makes your skin look younger as it exfoliates the dead skin. It works as a perfect scrubber which helps in diminishing dark spots and for lightening hyperpigmentation. The amino acids contained in oatmeal are beneficial in lightening the skin. Moreover, it also contains Vitamin E, which also works towards lightening skin discoloration. 

How To Use:

Mix oatmeal with milk and use it on the affected area and scrub gently. 

Continue scrubbing for some minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. 

You can follow this process twice a week

8. Lemon Juice

Beautiful Woman Holding Juicy Lemons

Lemon juice can be useful in achieving clear skin. As it is packed with Vitamin C plus an acid that can disintegrate the melanin pigments and diminish the presence of brown splotches and spots within a month.

How To Use:
  • Slice the lemon and apply it directly to the brown spots. 
  • Let the slices remain for half an hour and wash it off with warm water. 
  • See to it that you restrict sun exposure after using lemon on the skin to avoid peeling and sensitivity.
  • Apply it twice a day to observe any visible changes

Final Thoughts

You can manage your skin hyperpigmentation issues better if you avoid sun exposure, and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen also during cloudy days. Applying a sun protection factor of higher than or 30 will shield you from the UVB short – wave rays that contribute to premature skin aging and damage to the outer skin. With these preventive measures, you can try out these common natural home remedies to lighten the dark patches or skin discolorations and uneven skin texture. 

Posted by
Sujata Sanyal

Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?

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