Be Awake And Smell The Coffee: Unmasking Coffee Myths For All Times

coffee beans with coffee.

Some people cherish it for the taste, while others gulp it down simply to obtain a jolt of energy during their morning commute. A few cannot go a day without it, which has prompted others to swear never to begin drinking it. There are lots of rumors floating around coffee, though that fails to deter people from commencing their day with a cuppa of cappuccino, latte, or mocha. Know the answers to popular myths about the world’s preferred drink!

Coffee Produces Insomnia

It is essential to note that all the bonanzas and great things you get should be relished in moderation. It is wholly safe to consume up to 400 mg of caffeine daily in a healthy lifestyle regimen. The average 8oz cup of coffee carries 100 mg of caffeine.

Coffee beans carry caffeine, which acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system. It improves attentiveness and provides a momentary boost to your mood and vigor. Caffeine can be found in tea, coffee, chocolate, and soft drinks. Binging on caffeinated products immediately before retiring to bed can make you stay awake for long hours as caffeine is intended for that.

You will start to experience the impact of caffeine as soon as 15 minutes following its consumption, and reaching the peak levels almost one hour following its consumption. Your body does retain the caffeine even after 6 hours of its intake. It’s simple to understand how this misconception about coffee began, but coffee does not produce insomnia, it maintains you alertness and helps to remain awake during the day, the way you have planned.

If you have difficulties going to sleep during nighttime, there are different methods for obtaining a deep slumber and quality sleep:

  • Create a relaxing environment for sleep
  • Fix a sleep schedule
  • Recognize stressors within your life

Coffee Leads To Dehydration

women holding coffee.

Fun tidbit, coffee contains 98% water at least that’s what brewed coffee is about. Experts accept that your daily consumption of coffee can and should contribute to your suggested daily quota of water. Therefore, this myth about coffee lacks credibility rather it’s entirely opposite. Coffee aids to hydrate you, and as the human body is constituted with nearly 60% water, the health benefits are highly popular.

Let’s glance at some of the health benefits of remaining fully hydrated:

  • Control body temperature
  • Avoid infections
  • Lubricate joints
  • Boost sleep quality
  • Elevates mental cognition

The crux of this coffee myth appears to have emerged from the reality that often coffee drinkers mention about a rise in their bathroom visit frequency when drinking coffee. Tea and coffee are both well-tolerated diuretics, though your body is aware of its role. Your body will assimilate all the fluids it requires and then eliminate any extra fluids.

Although it may appear so, you are not losing extra fluids that you are absorbing when you consume coffee. So brim up a travel mug and go for that hydration goal as you push yourself towards work. It’s termed multitasking.

Coffee Will Aid You Shed Weight

The origins of this coffee myth are simple to detect. Coffee raises energy, and it is easy to view the surge from heightened energy to shedding weight. Nonetheless, coffee will not cause you to lose a few pounds. Multiple studies have been conducted, and no distinct connection between caffeine and loss of weight have been revealed.

Research holds that the perfect way to retain a healthy weight balance is by keeping a check on the foods you consume and maintaining an active lifestyle. Consequently drinking coffee won’t assist you in weight loss, but can supply you with the vital energy to start the day.

That morning caffeine blast enables many people to develop a hygienic morning regimen. Whatever your plans may be, whether to meditate, go to the gym, stroll with your pup, or attend your housekeeping chores, coffee is an awesome way to begin your day.

Coffee Can Bounce You Back

Coffee has various phenomenal qualities, though unluckily, counterbalancing the consequences of alcohol is not among them. The caffeine content in coffee has the capacity to invigorate and revive you, which imparts feeling of moderation and sobriety in some people. So, relish your coffee sip with your companions, but remember to get on with your duties.

On the reverse, studies display the connection between those recuperating from alcohol and a rise in coffee intake. Present research is analyzing into the connection between coffee drinking and sobriety.

Coffee Inhibits Your Growth

It is held that this myth regarding coffee began from a study performed a decade back that indicated there might be an association between osteoporosis and coffee drinking. 

The study discovered that many coffee drinkers consume less milk and beverages containing calcium. A diet deficient in calcium and vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis. Whether it is welcoming news or not, your height is largely based on genetic factors. This can help to proclaim that coffee inhibits your growth as another coffee myth.

Coffee Is Habit Forming

There is an iota of reality in this coffee myth since caffeine possesses addictive properties. Nonetheless, the enduring effects of withdrawal from caffeine remain for one or two days. Moreover, drinking coffee does not deliver harmful effects to your social, or emotional wellness or lifestyle during consumption or after its discontinuation.

As the coffee beans contain caffeine which works as a stimulant for the central nervous system, it is effective in curbing feelings of exhaustion and create scope for dopamine to function more beneficially. Nevertheless, the effects of excessive caffeine, in the form of jitters, are instant and permit the coffee drinkers to instantly correct the present and the future state of condition. So, coffee displays temporary addictive properties, and does not present any longstanding health risk.

Dark Roast Coffee Contain Greater Caffeine

Dark roast coffee contain greater caffeine is without doubt the most common coffee myth. The myth circulated is that the darker the roast of the coffee bean, the higher is the caffeine. In reality, there is no such caffeine distinction between medium, light, and dark roasted coffee beans.

The distinction between medium, light, and dark roast coffee beans does not lie in the caffeine content but in the flavor. A coffee bean that is light roasted gets roasted till the first crack and preserves the maximum of the original flavors and floral aroma of the coffee beans. The real coffee bean will be matte in texture with nil oil on the surface. Medium roast coffee beans contain a sweeter flavor because of the caramelization reaction, ample proportion, and robust flavor.

Dark roast coffee beans undergo the maximum roasting compared to the other two and based on the roaster endures till the second crack. Dark roasted coffee beans contain the darkest color, with a strong, and chocolatier flavor profile. Maximum roasting of the coffee beans also raises their levels of antioxidants as a dark roast not only augments your caffeine consumption, but also enhances the capacity of your body to combat free radicals.            

This myth about coffee seems to emerge from the factor that most  caffeine fans presume a dark, chocolate-flavored coffee will possess a distinct caffeine composition than a sharp floral coffee.

Decaf Coffee Does Not Contain Caffeine

Industry standard demands that almost 97% of caffeine needs to be eliminated from coffee beans for it to be termed decaffeinated, though that still transfers 7 mg of caffeine in every 8-ounce cup.

Therefore, it can be said that decaf coffee does include caffeine. Based on the original composition and the technique employed, your decaf coffee can have a presence of original caffeine anywhere between   1-3%. Although 1-3%  is not plenty of caffeine but can affect people sensitive towards it. 

Coffee Is Harmful For Your Health

Relax, everything will be fine. There is even a lot of proof from spheres such as Harvard where coffee is said to be beneficial for you.

Drinking a moderate quantity of up to 3 cups of caffeine aka coffee every day is not going to harm you. For those with high blood pressure can possibly feel a temporary increase in heart rate though no connection can be traced between high cholesterol and caffeine or cardiovascular disorder

Research hints that frequent coffee drinkers have less chances to acquire diabetes. Coffee takers are unlikely to get liver cirrhosis, Parkinson’s disease, or colon cancer. Evidence also exists that consuming coffee can be effective in raising productivity, elevating your mood, healing headaches, and curbing cavities.

Different scientific studies are of the opinion that consuming coffee can be beneficial in increasing longevity.

Pregnant Women Should Not Consume Coffee

It is recommended that pregnant women should restrict their caffeine consumption to just 200 milligrams – nearly one cup of coffee. There is the possibility of Caffeine travelling through the placenta and extending to the baby, though no specific studies exist that finds it harmful.

Application Of Boiling Water On Grounds

You should not apply boiling water over the coffee ground. If the temperature exceeds 96 degrees, the water will simply draw bitter oils from the grounds.

Burnt coffee taste can be ascribed to pouring boiling water straight on the coffee grounds. It is prudent to use a thermometer if possible but the other resort is to let the water stabilize for thirty seconds after boiling. After then pour it into the coffee. 

You Require Costly Equipment To Brew Coffee

It is your choice to purchase a fancy coffee machine that uses almost half of your kitchen area, but the reality is that there is no such need. The coffee maker can be as plain as an AeroPress, Chemex, Moka pot, or French press. Note that utilizing a plunger for coffee brewing results in a delicious brew so long as you utilize freshly roasted beans, and pursuing the correct recipe. You can even attempt the pour-over method. Each of these brewers will provide you coffee with separate flavors and the way you prefer your brew.

Filter Vs Full Immersion: Which Is Favored?

Filter brewing and immersion brewing are two of the finest ways to brew coffee. Immersion brewing method for instance the French Press, the coffee rests with the water until the coffee grounds sit and water is poured over the grounds. Filter brewing employs a permanent filter or paper, frequently cone-shaped, into which you place grounds and then splash boiling water in slowly.

It is a coffee myth that one method is better than the other – it rests on how you prefer your coffee. Do you enjoy a hearty taste that is rich and strong? Then, immersion brewing might be perfect. Or do you opt for a milder cup of coffee, without excessive bite? If so, the filter method might be ideal. Just from the ease and convenience viewpoint, the French press is by far appreciated. It easily produces a sumptuous brew from an assortment of coffee beans. So, from the point of view of ease of use, full-immersion brew tends to be favored.

Wrapping Up

Science continues to bust coffee myths and research on its health benefits. These benefits include something as inconceivable as keeping you hydrated throughout the day. Coffee fans promote the drink commending its antioxidant nature. But as with anything you consume, pay heed to how coffee impacts you and stay with amounts that make you get the Wow feeling!

The next time you purchase some beans to roast at home, imagine all the ways coffee assists to make your mornings so pleasurable, and all the ways it is beneficial for you. Enjoy!

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Sujata Sanyal

Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?

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