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Achieve Your Libidos And Peak Climax With These Simple Strategies

fascinating facts about the female orgasm

Porn movies display female orgasms as explosive and extremely simple but actual sex is entirely different. Orgasms in intercourse can be difficult for most women or take a concerted effort to accomplish. The following fascinating facts about the female orgasm you need to know will stop you from being discouraged when female orgasm doesn’t occur and put your myths at rest.

Orgasm is an earth-shattering experience

Many women don’t know when they have orgasm and do not witness orgasm by feeling contraction of their pelvic floor muscles. Nevertheless, they reach a height of arousal following which they experience calmness and contentment similar to that experienced after orgasm by other women. On the contrary, women who get excited and don’t witness orgasm may become edgy or a painful annoyance within their pelvis.

Women don’t necessarily need intercourse for orgasm

Just one-third women undergo orgasm frequently during intercourse while a third may reach orgasm by intercourse with additional stimulation. Another third don’t accomplish orgasm with intercourse but require manual or oral stimulation. Acquiring orgasms by methods besides intercourse constitutes a natural alteration in female sexuality. An orgasm remains an orgasm irrespective of the manner you get it and has nothing to do with a woman’s mental condition and emotional maturity.

A woman isn’t frigid because she is unable to attain orgasm

Women who could attain orgasm before but are no longer able to do so may be afflicted by some medical ailment or side effect of drugs.

Orgasm has nothing to do with her partner

While a caring partner can assist a woman to achieve orgasm in different ways, she is ultimately responsible for her personal sexual pleasure. However her mate should also be involved and communication between them is vital. The onus is on the woman to tell her partner about her likes and hates in their love relationship.


Few women have problems of concentrating at the time of sex. In such case, you may want to fantasize like having sexual thoughts may get you excited and decrease negative emotions. If you experience that you are near to getting an orgasm try to alternately stiffen and relax your pelvic floor muscles as it may sometimes activate a genuine orgasm.


Vibrators, both plug-in and cordless provide greater stimulation than that offered by intercourse or man induced stimulation. It is particularly useful during an illness like multiple sclerosis when it becomes difficult to attain orgasm. You can use it individually or with your mate in your lovemaking process.

Recommended books

There are many good books containing exercises to assist you in reaching orgasm. These highlight on learning to get an orgasm on your own and after you learn the desired method and quantity of stimulation required you can guide your partner to make you happy. Your partner can also benefit by reading this book. A few religious women may sometimes feel that masturbation or self-stimulation is improper. While others belonging to the same sect may think that as the long-term objective is to advance the partnership, self-stimulation is proper in the short-term.

Stop being shy of orgasms as they are vital to women’s health besides being full of fun! If you’re dying to discover the unknown, increase your knowledge regarding the “awesome O” with this enlightening information:

Orgasms can alleviate pain

Have a headache? Maybe it’s time for sex. Various evidences suggest that orgasms can reduce different types of pain including aches from arthritis, post-surgery pain and also pains at the time of childbirth. This is caused by bodily discharge of the chemical oxytocin at orgasm which assists bonding, relaxation besides different positive emotional phases. While the relief from pain during orgasm is temporary lasting for just nearly ten minutes past researches suggests that thinking of sex can aid to alleviate pain.

Use of condom doesn’t impact orgasm quality

condom vs orgasm

Condoms do not necessary offer good sex as women are fairly likely to undergo orgasm even without condom. If your partner is averse to putting on a condom due to absence of sensation, try manual stimulation at the start for him to get a similar enjoyable experience.

30% women encounter trouble attaining orgasm.

Nearly 1 among 3 women has difficulties reaching orgasm at the time of sex. About 80% women have problems with orgasm by vaginal intercourse only. Clitoral stimulation at the time of intercourse may assist as can medical therapy. Female sexual dysfunction comprising failure to orgasm remains common. In a few women topical testosterone treatments or different oral medications may assist but you should consult your medic to rule out other possibilities such as thyroid disease or diabetes.

Orgasm improves with age

Age may actually improve your sex life, particularly the quality & regularity of orgasm. This may be due to women gaining confidence in the bedroom and enjoying more as their sexual experience grows. Besides the faith and intimacy experience by majority of women in lasting relationship may increase sexual confidence also.

women orgasm

Women who combine acts in bedroom get more regular orgasm

If you face problems in attaining orgasm at the time of intercourse you should try mixing things up. It is considerably simple for women to feel orgasm when they perform a number of sex activities as against a single act. As an instance vaginal sex combined with oral sex has greater chance of orgasm than any one of them only. This can be because people engage in sex for greater duration with these increased sex acts.

The sexual self-pride of a woman can influence her orgasm’s quality

Studies have shown that a woman’s feelings regarding her genitals are connected to her orgasm’s quality. So long you vagina does not ache or there isn’t any unnatural discharge, sores and other disease you should regard yourself hale and hearty. You should increase your confidence to raise your orgasm capacity.

An orgasm gap exists

There exists an orgasm gap where while most men think their mate got an orgasm in their most current sex act fewer women reported about getting an orgasm. It’s complex but women being satisfied and knowing their body’s comfort points can get to orgasm regularly.

In exceptional cases, orgasm may occur in the absence of genital stimulation

Women are known to orgasm while boarding a train or receiving a message and it is a real phenomenon. Automatic orgasm during various activities happens due to doubly increased blood circulation to the genitals & vibration or touch with clitoris. Rising blood flow and normal relaxation of a rub can sometimes cause orgasm.

For many women it takes some time

Most women climax much after their male partners which is quite normal. There are methods to slow down your partner if he reaches orgasm prior to you. Mental exercises may do the trick as can strong pressure at the base of penis. Where premature ejaculation is a factor, tips from a doctor or urologist can help.

These fascinating facts about the female orgasm may help you achieve orgasm with ease.

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Posted by Sujata Sanyal

Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?