Know These Incredible Benefits of Eating 3 Bananas Daily

Know These Incredible Benefits of Eating 3 Bananas Daily

Benefits of Eating 3 Bananas Daily

Bananas comprise amazingly versatile fruit which may be utilized to prepare refreshing smoothies, impart delicious flavor into a baked dish or just consumed on the move. That might account for its being among the most common fruits in the world with more than 96% of U.S households purchasing bananas at a minimum of once each month.

We love consuming bananas. But does this obsession benefit us?

The study shows yes. Bananas are worth plenty than just an economical price and pleasant flavor. Studies reveal the wonder number to be 3! By consuming 3 bananas daily, you furnish your body with nearly 1500mg of potassium, besides tons of health advantages.

The following are the incredible benefits of consuming bananas daily:

#1. Reduce High Blood Pressure

Research indicates consuming a minimum of 3 bananas daily may decrease your blood pressure considerably. A mid-sized banana contains nearly 422 mg of potassium while being almost free of sodium. The large potassium versus sodium concentration aids to counterbalance the blood pressure raising impact of sodium in the meal.

Potassium is also essential to help control blood flow and levels of hydration in your body, thus permitting oxygen to access your cells.

Thus, it may appear that your mom’s reprimand to grab a banana, rather than a bagful of crisps constitutes extremely sound advice.

#2. Better Digestion

Bananas contain loads of fiber, soluble as well as insoluble. Fiber constitutes an essential nutrient within the body as it helps control the pace of digestion, retarding it. Consuming a banana might give you a fuller feeling for a long time, besides also helping with constipation.

Not surprisingly, bananas are frequently included with breakfast recipes. They assist you to give an energetic start to your day and retain you satisfied for a longer duration. Eating 3 bananas daily maintains the health of your digestive system and a slim waistline.

#3. Augment Cardiovascular Health

Consuming foods abundant in fiber is great for the heart, as bananas are loaded with fiber. A rich-fiber meal has been associated with a lesser risk of cardiovascular disease as well as coronary heart disease. The dissolvable fiber contained within banana is, especially, linked with a reduced incidence of heart ailment.

A wholesome, balanced diet would furnish the important vitamins, antioxidants and minerals needed by your body – finish it with one or two banana for an additional four grams of fiber each fruit. The potassium contained in banana decreases the chances of experiencing a blood clot within the brain. Further, it also lessens the  risk of stroke, besides regulating the balance of fluids within the body.

#4. Help Form Healthy Cells

Bananas have abundance of Vitamin B6, possessing 20% of the everyday quantity needed for adult consumption. Vitamin B6 assists in the production of insulin by the body along with hemoglobin plus nonessential amino acids required to generate healthy cells. This Vitamin also assists with the creation of antibodies which combat infections.

#5. Improve Health Of GI Tract

Bananas, being comparatively simple to digest, are regarded non-irritating to the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) of humans. Actually, apart from easing digestive strain, bananas also relieve the digestive tract besides aiding to regain lost minerals following diarrhea. Due to this reason,they constitute the initial solid foods given to newborns.

This also accounts for bananas being included in the clinical BRAT diet – bananas, rice, applecause and dry toast – used by dietitians for treating acute diarrhea.

#6. Abundance Of Vitamin C

Strawberries and oranges may immediately come to your mind whenever you think about Vitamin C. However a whole plate of bananas furnish a massive 15% of the everyday requirement of this vital nutrient. A major antioxidant, Vitamin C counterbalances dangerous free radicals within the body.

These free radicals comprise uncharged molecules, atoms or ions which are continually destroying your body cells. Vitamin C too serves to keep blood vessels robust and yields collagen that bears bones, muscles and different tissues together.

#7. Enhances Athletic Performance

Bananas are loved by numerous athletes as they advance the muscle and supply antioxidants and different nutrients naturally. A study at the Appalachian State University’s Human Performance Lab showed that eating half of a banana per 15 minutes at a cycling stint trial examination had the same effect as sipping a carbohydrate corresponding sports drink each 15 minutes.

Bananas are also much advised for athletes as they hike energy and possess a low glycemic index. Furthermore, few studies suggest that consuming 3 bananas supply energy for intense workout of 90 minutes. Bananas greatly help to restore your glucose reserves, providing energy to your body for rebuilding muscle.

#8. Fights Anemia

As bananas are rich in iron, eating them can trigger hemoglobin production within the blood to help combat anemia. During anemia, there happens a reduction in the quantity of red blood cells or hemoglobin within the blood, causing paleness, fatigue and breathlessness.

Additionally, Vitamin B6 available in banana manages blood glucose concentrations, that may also aid those affected with anemia.

#9. Quell Hunger Cravings

This occurs not simply because consuming bananas lets you feel satiated longer, but even on account of their nice smell. The smell of bananas may apparently subdue appetite plus hunger cravings. A study indicates that smelling bananas while your are hungry may dupe your brain to considering that you’ve really eaten them.

Thus, bananas can aid you shed weight.

#10. Elevate Mood And Make You Feel Cheerful

A mid-sized banana furnishes nearly 27 mg of magnesium. Magnesium may assist to hike your aura and get sound sleep. Men and women require 420mg and 320mg of magnesium daily, respectively.

Possessing less magnesium will make you more prone towards experiencing irritability, anxiety and depression besides other disorders. As we primarily don’t obtain sufficient magnesium from our meals, consider consuming a banana in the event of the 3pm munchies next time. It helps to keep you full and peps up your positivity.

Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is converted by the body into the hormone serotonin, which relaxes you, enhances your mood and normally makes you feel happier. The specific antioxidants contained in bananas is shown in studies to promote the discharge of another mood-enhancing hormone, dopamine, within your brain.

#11. Keeps Nervous System Healthy

Bananas are packed with Vitamin B6, also termed pyridoxine. As a matter of fact, 1 banana possesses 25% of your suggested daily consumption of this essential nutrient. Vitamin B6 is believed to aid produce chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, that enable your brain and nerve cells to interact with one another. In this way, ensuring that metabolic processes like fat and protein metabolism function efficiently.

The vitamin is also essential for proper functioning of immune system, particularly in aged people. Vitamin B6 is also extremely vital for soothing and keeping a healthy nervous system. Actually, an absence of Vitamin B6 is really known to lead to nerve damage.

#12. Good For Skin

Bananas can aid you maintain the ideal complexion as just 1 banana contains your manganese requirement for the day with nearly 14% Vitamin C that assists collagen creation, which restores your youthful look. Manganese has also been shown to be a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant – the two normally retard aging by decreasing damage due to free radical and oxidative stress.

Manganese is important for healthy function of brain with studies indicating that it can aid to avoid brain-based conditions like Parkinson’s and epilepsy.

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#13. Strengthen Bones

Bananas aid to conserve and toughen your bones due to its high content of potassium. Truly, potassium reduces calcium loss from the body which lessens the risk of osteoporosis.

#15. Enhanced Brain Function

The magnesium and potassium contained in bananas promote your brain. The potassium aids to supply oxygen to your brain whereas magnesium enhances electrical activities among brain nerve cells. Consuming 3 bananas everday will maintain your brain sharp, better your focus and memory apart from stopping or slowing Alzheimer’s disease.

#16. Heartburn

Bananas carry a natural antacid influence within the body, so if you are affected by heartburn, try consuming a banana for comforting relief.

#17. Smoking

Bananas may also aid people attempting to discard smoking. The Vitamins B6 and B12 present in bananas besides magnesium and potassium can aid the body overcome the side effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Health enthusiasts are turning crazy about bananas! After all, this energy suppliant fruit has all the properties that provides nutritional support for your body. From strengthening your bone mass to providing you with that flawless complexion, improving blood circulation and an excellent storehouse of nutrients bananas are the super fruits that you should include in your daily diet regimen. 

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Posted by Sujata Sanyal

Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?