Must-Know Health Advantages Of Bay Leaves

bay leaf tea.

Bay leaves with their aromatic and flavoursome taste are a key ingredient in cuisines. You find them in soups, biryani, curries, pulao, and a gamut of Indian dishes to enhance their fragrance with its distinctive flavour. Besides this, Tej patta or bay leaves are also known for their traditional medicinal qualities. Packed with vitamin A plus C, besides folic acid and many minerals, bay leaf is a nutrient abundant herb. 

Here in this blog, we explore some of the health advantages of bay leaves which you may not be aware of. These benefits are due to its nutritional profile of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins – A, C, B6 and minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, manganese, potassium, copper, and selenium. Some of the top reasons for adding bay leaves to your menu are

Bay Leaves.

1.Promotes Better Digestion

    A review suggests that bay leaves can influence the gastrointestinal system. This herb promotes better digestion, works as a diuretic by stimulating urination to reduce body toxicity. In addition, the organic compounds present in bay leaves are beneficial for managing upset stomach, relieving irritable bowel syndrome, relieving gastrointestinal infections, abdominal bloating, or even reducing the signs of Celiac’s disease.

    Adding bay leaves in your recipe enhances nutrient absorption and is effective for digestive health. A few of the complex proteins are hard to digest, which is possible by the rare enzymes contained in these aromatic leaves that help to boost proper digestion.  

    2. Can Be Helpful In Mitigating Respiratory Condition

      Bay leaf is rich in essential oil which can be extracted to relieve various respiratory problems. Its essential oil is mixed with a carrier oil and used topically as a balm on the chest to offer relaxation from respiratory issues. Using a poultice created from bay leaves, which is extended on the chest and left overnight. Furthermore, inhaling bay leaf vapours is helpful in loosening the cough and curbing pathogens caught inside the lungs from its antibacterial effects. 

      3. Enhances Heart Wellness

        Bay leaves are a rich source of organic compounds such as caffeic acid and rutin. Rutin fortifies the capillary walls of the heart and eliminates bad cholesterol from your cardiovascular system. 

        4. Packed With Antioxidants 

          These herbal leaves are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids which is beneficial in reducing blood cholesterol and amounts of uric acid. Further, the antioxidant qualities present in extracts of bay leaf contain phenolic compounds which counters oxidative stress resulting from free radicals, which in turn protects against stomach and liver damage. 

          Luckily, the antioxidant present in bay leaves are released in its fumes as they are burnt. 

          5. An Excellent Sleep Aid And Stress Buster

            If you are coping with sleep disorder, the soothing effects of bay leaves can work as a remarkable sleep aid. Further, when taken at bedtime, these leaves can function as a light tranquiliser, working on the central nervous system thereby causing relaxation and inducing quality sleep. 

            Moreover, bay leaves are loaded with linalool, a natural compound that works as an anti-anxiety aid and improve communication. Smelling them for at least for ten minutes can help you to feel relieved and relaxed. Simply blend some drops of bay leaf essence along with water and sip it before retiring to bed for getting a restful sleep. 

            6. A Natural Immunity Booster

              Bay leaves are abundant in vitamin C, which is a great immunity builder as it raises the supply of white blood cells to ward off infections. In addition, it also has substantial amounts of vitamin A, and zinc which is effective for your eyes, throat, and digestive mechanism. Bay leaves can also be beneficial in managing celiac disease as well as irritable bowel syndrome. 

              7. Helpful In Treating Diabetes

                Including bay leaves in your meal can help to reduce your sugar levels as well as enhance heart wellness. Being a rich source of antioxidant, bay leaves are beneficial in insulin production. This makes it useful in managing type 2 diabetes and in decreasing bad cholesterol. A study presented in the journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition has revealed the potential of bay leaves in improving insulin function in people affected by type 2 diabetes. The hypoglycemic benefit of bay leaves is linked to the existence of phytochemicals and essential oil, which boosts insulin and glucose metabolism. 

                Moreover, these leaves also contain the active ingredient polyphenol, which induces insulin potentiating operation therefore helping in effective management of glucose. 

                8. Shields The Body From Inflammation

                  One of the key benefits of these herbal leaves is its anti-inflammatory qualities. This is due to the existence of a rare phytonutrient known as parthenolide that has anti-inflammatory qualities and lowers the possibility of developing inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. 

                  9. Heals Wound Naturally

                    As per the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, these aromatic leaves contain antimicrobial qualities that is beneficial in wound healing. Small wounds can be both painful and distressing, so it is best to try natural healing with bay leaves. 

                    10. Can Help To Lower Blood Pressure

                      Bay leaves contain antioxidants and potassium which are vital for heart wellness, as they are beneficial in lowering blood pressure. Further, these herbal leaves can reduce the bad cholesterol and eliminates surplus sodium from your body which helps in blood pressure management. 

                      Closing Thoughts 

                      Add bay leaves into your regular diet and experience good health at its optimum. You can include 2-3 bay leaves dried in your favourite cuisine and enjoy its plethora of health advantages. From burning fat, enhancing heart health, improving digestion, healing inflammation to combating infection and insomnia these leaves are stacked with medicinal properties that can be effective in managing a vast array of health issues. 

                      Posted by
                      Sujata Sanyal

                      Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?

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