Know These 13 Positives And 8 Negatives Of Chewing Gum

Girl chewing gum.

A piece of gum can break or make a kiss, save you from annoying a co-worker by your post-lunch breath, or offer you that slight refresher required by your mouth. Chewing gum has been utilized since ancient times. The Greeks collected sap from the mastic tree and chewed it. In present times, the gum is prepared synthetically and is marketed and packaged for bulk sale.

Flavored chewing gums were formulated in the 1960s. Chicle arrived in the U.S. about the same time, along with other chewing gum companies, like Wrigley’s, and became the trendsetters. 

You can choose from a variety of gums some being sugar-free, while others are sweetened. Here we take a look at some of the positives and negatives of gum chewing.

The following are the pros and cons of chewing gum to ponder over.

Advantages Of Chewing Gum

Negatives of chewing gum.

1. Can Aid With Issues Of Bad Breath

Chewing gum aids to produce additional saliva inside the mouth. The extra saliva acts to lower the number of bacteria residing in the mouth. So those who are often chewing gum appear to possess sweeter breath in comparison to those who aren’t chewing gum. It isn’t simply the flavor profile else the sugar within the gum that you’re smelling. With the decreased bacteria, chewing gum practically alters the composition of a person’s breath.

2. Can Assist With Heartburn Problems

The additional saliva created by chewing gum has another advantage also. Once swallowed, the saliva acts to harmonize stomach acid levels. It also assists to shove acid back into the stomach as it starts to sneak out, thus preventing the occurrence of heartburn. If someone chews gum for nearly half an hour, then almost 3 hours of relief from heartburn can be felt. Attempt chewing sugar-free gum for the finest results.

3. Can Aid Weight Loss

Boredom is among the primary causes of obesity. When people become bored, they resolve their mindlessness by chewing on something. The action of chewing acts as a comfort mechanism. The act of chewing gum imitates the chewing action that is required while eating food, which may lower the inclination to eat or snack in unwholesome proportions for a few people. Chewing gum is also said to assist with cravings and lessen a person’s appetite.

4. Might Aid Combat Tooth Decay

One kind of sugarless gum is named Xylitol. Many dentists present chewing gum, lollipops, and hard candies that are prepared with this sweetener. That is because Xylitol is known to retard the development of certain bacteria in the mouth that directly causes cavities. As you chew gum containing Xylitol, the bacteria are stopped from adhering to your teeth enamel. If the gum carries calcium lactate, then the mineral health of your teeth may get a secondary boost also.

It is known to most people that chewing gum is good for your teeth. Sugar-free gum is believed especially to be successful in stopping tooth decay with its effects resembling toothpaste and mouthwash that contain fluoride. Chewing upon a sugarless gum only for twenty minutes following a meal can keep gingivitis and teeth decay at bay. Primarily, it acts by raising saliva secretion in the mouth and eliminating acids and food particles on the teeth, which would else cause tooth decay. Saliva further aids maintain the enamel strong by furnishing it with phosphate and calcium to fortify it. This implies the teeth have more resistance to cavities and decay. The xylitol in the gum contains additional minerals to fortify the teeth.

5. Lowers Stress

Ever wanted gum during a marathon study session – or a real marathon? It may be because chewing aids decrease stress levels. A little research review of 20 studies on chewing gum and stress discovered evidence that gum lowered stress for people in educational and work settings.

In a study of 100 students, researchers discovered evidence to uphold that chewing gum before exams aided students’ stress and test scores.

6. Enhances Memory

Chewing gum has been connected to improved memory and cognition, and a study with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests discovered that chewing gum stimulates the region of the brain linked with memory.

However, experts mentioned more research is required to decide if chewing gum could stop memory loss or boost memory in people having brain damage.

7. Aids Your Gut Heal Following Surgery

Abdominal surgery can be hard on your digestion. Evidence is available that chewing gum can jump-start your sluggish bowels.

As per a little research review of ten studies (including 1,659 subjects), chewing gum enhanced the recovery of intestinal function following a caesarean delivery, popularly termed a C-section. Chewing gum also appears to assist people to recover from colon surgery.

8. Whitening Teeth

You may wonder whether chewing gum can whiten teeth. Many habits can cause discoloration on teeth surfaces, like smoking and drinking coffee. Fortunately, whitening products can aid lessen some surface stains, including at-home whitening kits, toothpaste, and also chewing gum.

Multiple whitening chewing gums are present in stores currently. These products are chewed following meals to aid flush away food particles that could lead to stains by activating salivary flow. Next, the whitening ingredients cover the teeth to aid avoid future staining.  As a bounty, teeth whitening therapies have also been recognized to raise teeth sensitivity, and chewing gum might assist with that, also!

9. Relieves Acid Reflux

Acid reflux comprises a complex problem where the stomach acids shift up the oesophagus (food pipe) and congestion of the chest while injuring it simultaneously, which causes the common burning sensation in the chest or throat. Fortunately, chewing gum is a nice way to relieve acid reflux by evacuating the food pipe and neutralizing the acids to offer some relief. One study displays that chewing gum improves the oesophagus by raising the swallowing reflex and neutralizing the acids since the gum renders the saliva more alkaline. This implies that acid reflux is lowered to offer you a soothing relief while decreasing inflammation.

10. Combats Nausea

People who are inclined to morning or motion sickness can obtain huge relief by chewing on a bit of gum, particularly the herbal types that contain ginger to assist in salivary production and digestion. Startlingly, a current study even demonstrates that chewing gum can be equally effective as prescription drugs for nausea. It’s also noteworthy that chewing gums are often prescribed following a major bowel surgery by surgeons to aid activate the digestive system. More studies support this practice as a successful intervention due to its absence of side effects and reduced cost.

11. Raises Alertness

Many people cannot perform at their best till they get 6 to 8 hours of sleep, and frequently they miss that all-essential sleep. Rather than popping caffeine pills or chugging coffee, you can obtain a lot of alertness by chewing a wad of gum. Studies display that chewing gum and the connected jaw movement fights sleepiness during the day by elevating brain activity. The constant activation of the nerves connected to the arousal raises blood flow to the brain, increasing your alertness. Mint flavored gums are additionally effective in aiding you to keep alert and fresh throughout.

12. Eases Ear Obstructions

Many people feel discomfort flying since the pressurized cabin can clog the ears or cause pain and irritation. A superb way to ease this is with a pack of gum. Rather than pinching your nose and attempting to blow your ears clear, chewing a wad of gum will normally aid the air pressure within the ear to match with the outside pressure. It is also a successful remedy to siphon water that becomes lodged in the ears following a swim or a shower. Chewing motion aids clear sinus cavities and pressing the liquids further out, emptying the ear.

13. Give up Smoking

The advantages of giving up smoking cannot be played down, and chewing gum can aid restrict your cravings. It’s best to include gum-chewing portions of a whole program to aid you to succeed.

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Disadvantages Of Chewing Gum

Despite its numerous benefits, chewing gum also has its disadvantages. The following are some popular debilitating effects of chewing gum:

1. Tooth Decay

Regular chewing of sugared gums causes dental health problems such as cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. The sugar from chewing gum covers your teeth and slowly harms the tooth enamel, particularly if you don’t clean your teeth instantly afterward.

Utilize gum brands that carry little or no sugar to reduce these effects.

2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS comprises a gastrointestinal ailment that leads to abdominal pain, cramping, and unnatural bowel patterns. During chewing gum, you swallow too much air. It can cause IBS, which consequently causes abdominal pain and bloating.

The artificial sweeteners in gum, like Sorbitol and Mannitol, have also been discovered to result in diarrhea.

3. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)

Chewing gum can lead to jaw muscle disharmony of TMJ in your jaw, particularly if you chew more on one side of the mouth than the other.

Whenever you overstrain a set of muscles, it causes contracted ligaments and taxing pain. It can also cause earaches, headaches, and toothaches.

4. Mercury Release From Dental Fillings

If you possess amalgam fillings that carry mercury as one of their ingredients, chewing gum can lead to the discharge of mercury into your body. Elevated levels of mercury within the body system may cause neurological problems, mental disorders, and various health issues.

5. Raise Junk Food

Numerous people chew gum to prevent snacking on unhealthy food. Nonetheless, the contrary effect actually happens. Whereas people who chew gum do possess a lowered motivation to eat, the items they do eat incline them to be less healthy. Gum chewers are more probable to opt for candy and potato chips when they finish chewing than vegetables and fruits (that is partially due to the gum’s minty flavor – it makes vegetables and fruits taste bitter).

6. It May Lead To Bloating

Chewing gum is also recognized to result in bloating problems in a few individuals. This occurs because while you are chewing the gum, you are swallowing in excess of your saliva. You are also swallowing air. That air strikes your digestive tract and starts to engage with the bacteria present there. If sufficient air is swallowed, it may cause stomach distension, and it can also get painful. For those who chew plenty of gum during the day, attempt consuming a high-fiber snack or licking a piece of candy to restrict the amount of air that is swallowed.

7. It May Make Some People Bite Their Tongue

Nearly everyone bites their tongue at some point. The experience can be extremely painful. Constant tongue biting, nonetheless, can cause alterations in the tissues of the tongue itself. Any bite will result in tissue damage. Repeated damage can create keratinization and pigmentation issues. Many people who constantly bite their tongue while chewing gum note white tissues emerge, particularly on the sides of their tongue.

8. Causes Migraines

A recent study discovered that chewing gum every day was connected to headaches in a teen group. The test participants halted chewing gum for one month, and for most of them, their headaches faded away, and almost ½ of the remaining subjects had substantial reductions in their headache severity and amount. When they restarted chewing gum, their headaches returned.

While you will discover natural and organic chewing gum brands, the gum you’ll view in the supermarket contains preservatives and additives. Some of these are considered harmful when ingested, like carbon dioxide and butylated hydroxytoluene.


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Wrapping Up

The ingredients in chewing gum have been ascertained as safe to consume for humans. Actually, the act of chewing may have startling benefits for physical and mental health!

However, a few people discover that they experience negative side effects, like headaches or jaw pain, from chewing gum. If you believe this habit results in problems for you, it’s best to restrict your chewing. Else, a strip or two of gum between meals is a good idea.

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Sujata Sanyal

Sujata Sanyal has been in the writing circuit for the past 7 years and has touched upon various genres like travel, health, lifestyle, a wee bit of technology, cuisine, product descriptions and a bevy of others. 1 part of her is interested in animated political discussions, 2nd part interested in studying biographies and the remainder part in love with music and socially relevant work. Too many parts?

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